Paducah Amateur Radio Association
Minutes for PARA Meeting
September 11, 2023
Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag followed by a moment of silence in remembrance of that historical tragic day twenty-two years ago on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Attendance this evening was 36 including several guests. We welcome our visitors as always.
ND4X-Paul reported on the testing at 6:00 pm before 7:00 pm meeting. Was a success. We had one to test KQ4KXF-Duke who recently passed his technicians exam last month and now has passed and moved to general class. (Congratulations)
Temporary Secretary, KQ4FWO-Duane read the August Minutes. Motion was made to accept, voted, and approved.
Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger read the August treasures report. Motion was made to accept, voted, and approved.
Open discussion on December 11, 2023, gathering could possibly change venues. To be determined in the October meeting so reservations can be made.
Discussion was made on the topic of the ARRL Affiliation. Noting as the club expands we are monitoring to ensure that we are staying over the 51% membership to keep our sponsorship active, so we will be covered under all the benefits provided by the ARRL. Encourage new members to check out ARRL website and join so they can obtain personal benefits such as online learning, insurance, etc.
A Q&A forum (ragchew) will start on Tuesday evening September 19, 2023, at 7:00 pm. This WILL NOT be a conducted formal net. It is to invite new and old HAMS to get on the air and ask questions and provide answers of various topics in amateur radio. Also, encourage new operators who may still be shy to get on the repeater. So, sit down with your snacks and drinks and let’s “GET ON THE AIR”.
Future events were discussed about scheduling a Fox Hunt/Tailgate/Potluck. We are trying to get the club more active since the membership is growing and keep our HAMS active.
KB9BVL-Jeff presented a homebrew yagi he made out of aluminum square tubing and aluminum archery arrows he had accumulated in his garage. Demonstrating its efficiency of being very light weight, rugged, and easy to assemble and disassemble. Very portable for activating away from home. Thanks for sharing, Jeff.
Upcoming meeting October 9, 2023, at 7:00 pm. Testing at 6:00 pm, if someone wishes to take the test. Please request in advance, so VE’s can plan to be there early.
W4WWS-Steve is getting a Fusion Net on Paducah’s 443 repeater, Paducah Room at 8:00 every Saturday night.
Calendar of Events– BBQ on the River, September 21-23.
Metropolis Club Meeting September 20 at 5:30 pm 605 Metropolis Street, Metropolis, IL.
ARES September 21 at 7:00 pm Emergency Operations Center, 3700 Coleman Road, Paducah.
Mayfield Amateur Radio Society (MARS) September 21 at 7:00 pm, 100 Dick Castleman Bypass, Mayfield, KY.
Net Control: KY4JDC-Jeff September 17
KY4LDS-Frank September 24
KN4TIP-Michael October 1
KB9BVL-Jeff October 8