Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

February 12, 2024

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  Then he announced our guest speaker, Ms. Mellisa Duncan, Director of the Challenger Learning Center.  She gave a brief overview of the Learning Center and its activities and the age groups that it reaches out to, primarily 5th and 6th graders.  She came to the meeting to discuss the possibility of setting up an International Space Station communication with the youth.  She explained that there was lots of paperwork involved with NASA in order to qualify to do an event.  She went on to say that it was very doable but would require a rather large facility and scheduling.

KC4WPS-Roger read the financial report.  Motion made by W4WKN-Dave to accept the report as read.  Second by KF4KKZ-Bruce.  Voted and approved.  Roger announced that the ARRL insurance was $200.00 for club liability and was paid.  Also, the website is down, and he is currently working on getting it back up and running; this is due to ownership issues for paying access fees.  Motion was made by KG4VKB-Logan for the club to obtain a debit card for the PARA Club to prevent future issues with financial transactions.  Seconded by KG4SRK-Dennis.  Voted and approved.

K4FWO-Duane read the January minutes.  Motion made by KC4WPS-Roger to accept the minutes as read.  Second by KN4LDP-Jeff.  Voted and approved.

Discussion was made that on July 1 the Amateur Extra Exam will change with several questions being removed and replaced.

Winter Field Day: several in the club activated, some at home, and some in the field using battery power and emergency resources. 

ND4X-Paul has recently updated the QRZ web page.

Dates To Remember:

February 21 — SIERA Club Meeting

March 11 — PARA Meeting

April 8 —  Eclipse

June 22 & 23 —  Field Day

AK4PS-Jim mentioned a future ARES Field Day one in the Spring and one in the Fall.

Net Control Assignments

KB9BVL-Jeff                         February 18

KO4ZRX-Ronnie                   February 25

KY4JDC-Jeff                         March 3

K4FWO-Duane                      March 10

Motion to adjourn by KC4DR-Don  


Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

January 8, 2024

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag. 

KC4WPS-Roger read the financial report.  Motion made by KO4XJ-John to accept the report as read.  Second by KF4KKZ-Bruce.  Voted and approved.

KC4WPS-Roger read the November minutes.  Motion made by W9ADN-Aidan to accept the minutes as read.  Second by AC9OO-Ed.  Voted and approved.

Election of officers was determined to stay the same with the exception of secretary; the floor was open for nominations.  Motion was made by KO4XJ-John to vote on secretary position to replace KN4TIP-Michael with K4FWO-Duane.  Seconded by K4INS-Ronnie.  Since there was no opposition; it was voted on and approved. The remaining officers on the slate will remain:

President:  KD4GCY-Garry               Vice President:  KC4DR-Don

Treasurer:  KC4WPS-Roger                Secretary:  K4FWO-Duane

Net Control Assignments

KO4ZRX-Ronnie                   January 14

KF4KKZ-Bruce                      January 21

KY4LDS-Frank                      January 28

W9ADM-Aidan                      February 4

KC4WPS-Roger                     February 11

A video presentation was presented by a group of amateur radio high school students in Pennsylvania.  They had the privilege of making contact and asking questions to the crew members of ISS (International Space Station).  This led to the discussion of contacting the Challenger Learning Center at WKCTC to possibly plan and set up an event to do something similar.

Echo Link Update

KM4LDP-Jeff is waiting for parts to update Echo Link to be placed back in service.

W4WWS-Steve has set up Echo Link on Simplex Freq. 146.445 and the Node is 642016.  Also, Steve is moving the Saturday night WinLink to Wednesday night to be after the ARES Wednesday night weekly net. 

AK4PS-Jim talked about an ARES list they have of Simplex and Repeater frequencies that are operational and up to date that could be useful in an emergency situation.  Anyone interested contact Jim.  He also discussed future exercises that will be used later on Wednesday night ARES Net.

Congratulations to KQ4HUU-Shaun and KO4AGY-Tim for passing their general class exam. 

Calendar of Events– 

There will be an in-person weather class on February 5 in Mayfield (go to NWS webpage for more information and to sign up).

There will be an eclipse on April 8. 

PARA meeting February 12 at 7:00 pm.

SIERA Club January 17 at 5:30 pm.

ARES meeting January 18 at 7:00 pm.  McCracken County EOC.

KF4KKZ-Bruce done a presentation on raspberry pie/ham clock.


Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

November 13, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.   Attendance this evening was 26 including guests.  We welcome our visitors as always.

KC4WPS-Roger read the financial report.  Motion made by KC4DR-Don to accept the report as read.  Second by KM4LDP-Jeff.  Voted and approved.

K4FWO-Duane read the October minutes.  Motion made by KF4KKZ-Bruce to accept the minutes as read.  Second by KC4WPS-Roger.  Voted and approved.

We had one to take his Amateur Extra Test and pass.  Congratulations KQ4KXF-Duke.

 KO4ZRX-Ronnie did a POTA Activation at Metropolis Lake on November 11th and four from the club were in attendance.  Thanks for demonstrating a POTA Activation. 

Thank you to KF4KKZ-Bruce and KY4A-Greg for putting together the Foxhunt.  It was a success.  There were several from the club in attendance.

There will be no scheduled PARA Nets on the 24th-31st of December. 

Queston and Answer Open Forum (Ragchew) every Tuesday night at 7:00 pm.

ARES Net every Wednesday 7:00 pm.  Both are on W4NJA Repeater.

Calendar of Events– 

NWS Winter Weather Spotting Webinar – November 30th  – 6:00-8:30 pm  Must preregister.

Christmas Party – El Torito Cairo Rd. – December 11th – 6:00 pm        

PARA Meeting – January 8, 2024 – WKCTC – 7:00 pm

Net Control:

    KF4KKZ-Bruce                     November 19

    KY4LDS-Frank                      November 26

     KY4JDC-Ga. Jeff                   December 3

      K4FWO-Duane                    December 10

       KM4LDP-Jethro                   December 17

       NO NET                                December 24

        NO NET                                December 31

         KD4GCY-Garry                     January 7                                


Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

October 9, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.   Attendance this evening was 28 including guests.  We welcome our visitors as always.

KC4WPS-Roger read the financial report.  Motion made by KM4LDP-Jeff to accept the report as read.  Second by KB9BVL-Jeff.  Voted and approved.

K4FWO-Duane read the September minutes.  Motion made by KM4LDP-Jeff to accept the minutes as read.  Second by ND4X-Paul.  Voted and approved.

Testing tonight was 13-year-old Nick Webster who successfully passed his technicians exam.  Congratulations.  KD4GCY-Garry presented him with a new Baofeng UV-5R Radio, purchased by the club.

AI4ZL-Steve presented a map showing locations of HAM operators in the immediate area and surrounding states.  In hopes this will be used to set up a net for emergency disasters to aid in rescue and communications by base/portable relay operators as needed.

Christmas party venue has been moved to El Torito, Exit 3, Cairo Road at 6:00 pm on December 11.  KC4WPS-Roger made a motion to accept.  Second by K4FWO-Duane.  Voted and approved.

KM4LDP-Jeff update on ECHOLINK is up and running.

Tuesday night Ragchew is up and running and has been reported by KN4TIP-Michael that it is a success.  Club agreed to continue.

Foxhunt has been discussed and a tentative date of November 4.  Waiting on final details by email.

ND4X-Paul instructed how to find benefit information on ARRL website.

AK4PS-Jim discussed the topic of ARIES and setting up area net and relays.  Net being conducted on W4NJA-147.060 Repeater Wednesday at 7:00 pm October 11.  All HAMS are invited to participate.

Thank you to KF4KKZ-Bruce and all the Elmers who helped in providing material, demonstrating, and helping build 2 Meter Yagi antenna.

Calendar of Events–  Skywarn Spotter Class – October 17 – 6:00 pm – Paducah, KY    (McCracken Co. Emergency Operations Center, 3700 Coleman Rd.)

Metropolis Siera Club Meeting – 605 Metropolis St., Metropolis, IL – October 18 – 5:30 pm

ARIES – October 19 – 7:00 pm – Emergency Operations Center, 3700 Coleman Rd.

Mayfield Amateur Radio Society (MARS) – October 19 – 7:00 pm – 100 Dick Castleman Bypass, Mayfield, KY.

Net Control:

                                    KO4ZRX-Ronnie                   October 15

                                    KY4JDC-Jeff                        October 22

                                    KY4LDS-Frank                      October 29

                                    KN4TIP-Michael                    November 5

                                    AK4BG-Beth                         November 12


Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

September 11, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag followed by a moment of silence in remembrance of that historical tragic day twenty-two years ago on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.   Attendance this evening was 36 including several guests.  We welcome our visitors as always.

ND4X-Paul reported on the testing at 6:00 pm before 7:00 pm meeting.  Was a success.  We had one to test KQ4KXF-Duke who recently passed his technicians exam last month and now has passed and moved to general class.  (Congratulations)

Temporary Secretary, KQ4FWO-Duane read the August Minutes.  Motion was made to accept, voted, and approved.

Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger read the August treasures report.  Motion was made to accept, voted, and approved.

Open discussion on December 11, 2023, gathering could possibly change venues.  To be determined in the October meeting so reservations can be made.

Discussion was made on the topic of the ARRL Affiliation.  Noting as the club expands we are monitoring to ensure that we are staying over the 51% membership to keep our sponsorship active, so we will be covered under all the benefits provided by the ARRL.  Encourage new members to check out ARRL website and join so they can obtain personal benefits such as online learning, insurance, etc.

A Q&A forum (ragchew) will start on Tuesday evening September 19, 2023, at 7:00 pm.  This WILL NOT be a conducted formal net.  It is to invite new and old HAMS to get on the air and ask questions and provide answers of various topics in amateur radio.  Also, encourage new operators who may still be shy to get on the repeater.  So, sit down with your snacks and drinks and let’s “GET ON THE AIR”.

Future events were discussed about scheduling a Fox Hunt/Tailgate/Potluck.  We are trying to get the club more active since the membership is growing and keep our HAMS active.

KB9BVL-Jeff presented a homebrew yagi he made out of aluminum square tubing and aluminum archery arrows he had accumulated in his garage.  Demonstrating its efficiency of being very light weight, rugged, and easy to assemble and disassemble.  Very portable for activating away from home.  Thanks for sharing, Jeff.

Upcoming meeting October 9, 2023, at 7:00 pm.  Testing at 6:00 pm, if someone wishes to take the test.  Please request in advance, so VE’s can plan to be there early.

W4WWS-Steve is getting a Fusion Net on Paducah’s 443 repeater, Paducah Room at 8:00 every Saturday night.

Calendar of Events–  BBQ on the River, September 21-23. 

Metropolis Club Meeting September 20 at 5:30 pm 605 Metropolis Street, Metropolis, IL.

ARES September 21 at 7:00 pm  Emergency Operations Center, 3700 Coleman Road, Paducah.

Mayfield Amateur Radio Society (MARS) September 21 at 7:00 pm, 100 Dick Castleman Bypass, Mayfield, KY.

Net Control:    KY4JDC-Jeff             September 17

                        KY4LDS-Frank          September 24

                        KN4TIP-Michael        October 1

                        KB9BVL-Jeff             October 8                               


Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

August 14, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.   Members and Guests were in attendance.

Temporary Secretary, KQ4FWO-Duane read the July Minutes.  Motion was made to accept, voted, and approved.

Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger read the minutes of the July treasures report and he noted $100 anonymous donation was presented to the club.  Motion was made to accept, voted, and approved.

KM4LDP-Jeff updated status on Echolink.  It is up, running, and fully operational.  THANKS again to Jeff.

KN4TIP-Michael requested to postpone testing for his most recent youth Technicians class.  This was in order to give more time for studying for taking tests.

ND4X-Paul suggested that testing be done at 6:00 pm before next monthly meeting which starts at 7:00 pm in September.

We welcome our visitors Harrold Luscombe, Melanie Zoeller-KQ4JFI, and Duke Moscon.  Also, congratulations to Duke for passing his Technician exam.

Future Events:

Thunderbirds Air Show at Owensboro on September 15

Big Brown Truck Pull at Paducah on September 16

BBQ on the River at Paducah on September 21-23

Discussion was made on doing a 2 Meter Net for new and old Hams to exchange Q & A sessions on technical advice and operating equipment and etc. in the various fields of the art of amateur radio.

Discussion on ideas for future of Fox Hunts/Tailgate/POTA and etc. for new Hams.

KC4DR-Don Fuller presented a brief presentation on properly Bonding and Grounding on equipment and antennas.   

Net Control:    KQ4FWO-Duane   August 20

                        KY4LDS-Frank     August 27

                        KW4DI-Ken          September 3

                        KN4TIP-Michael    September 10                              


Minutes for PARA Meeting

July 10, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag. 

A discussion ensued about 2023 Field Day and the defective Ryobi generator.  Mike – WA4ER volunteered to look at the generator.

The conversation moved on to Echolink and the issues with the interface box.  A motion was made, voted on and passed to replace the interface box with a new one.  The club also voted to compensate Jeff KM4LDP for the purchase of new batteries for a UPS to power the EchoLink station.  A check was written for $126.98 for the interface box and batteries. 

Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger read the financial report to the membership.  A motion was voted on and carried to approve the June financial report. 

A special “THANKS” to Michael – KN4TIP for providing and cooking the fish for this year’s Field Day!!

Club President Garry – KD4GCY continued the meeting with a discussion of the new PARA polo shirts.  Everyone agreed that the shirts looked great and were a value purchase.

The Summer Amateur Radio Technician Class, administered by Michael –KN4TIP, will continue July 15th, 22nd and 29th.   Testing will be during the August PARA meeting.

President Garry – KD4GCY has the following announcements:

The August PARA meeting will be August 14th.

The National Weather Service has a new Chat service for rapid reporting of severe weather.  You can sign-up online at NWSChat: Create Account (weather.gov)

August 5th is the Fancy Farm Picnic

There will be a major Solar Storm, Thursday, July 13th

Huntsville Hamfest is August 19th and 20th.

Net Control Operator assignments for the next month are as follows:

July 16 – KN4TIP – Michael

July 23 – KD4GCY – Garry

July 30 – KY4LDS –  Frank

Aug 6 –  KQ4FWO – Duane

Aug 13 – KW4DI – Ken

Club President Garry –KD4GCY, presented a new BaoFeng portable radio to our newest 11 year old Amateur Radio operator, Jameson –  KQ4HUV!  Congratulations, Jameson!

A motion was made to close the meeting at 8:29 pm and everyone left….


Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

June 12, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  29 Members and Guests were in attendance.

Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger read the minutes of the May 8, 2023 meeting.  KC4DR- Don made a motion to accept the minutes as read.  KC4ENA- Fred seconded.  The motion was voted and carried. 

Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger read the financial report.  KG4SRK- Dennis made a motion to accept the financial report.  AB4IQ- Ed seconded.  The motion was voted and carried. 

ARRL Field Day is June 24-25 at Keiler Park.  Discussion on Field Day on getting equipment and supplies set up.  Three stations will be set up for activation.  The club has use of the Emergency Management trailer which will have the SSB Station and GOTO Station set up inside.  The CW will be set up in one of two pavilions.  Set up will begin at 8:00 am and will be getting on the air at 1:00 pm and operating continuously for 24 hours.  Also, food and drinks will be supplied by the club and KN4TIP- Michael is tentatively going to supply and fry fish.  Also, those that may wish not to attend, may operate from home.

KD4GCY- Garry informed the members that the club shirts are on order and is collecting money; $20 for Small to 2X and $23 for 3X.

ND4X- Paul gave an update on the KYQSO party.  Bands were good and waiting on scores. 

WD4OKO- Neil reminded everyone that Field Day is not only about contesting and points, but to sharpen our skills for emergency preparedness.

Club Scribe has been temporarily filled by KQ4FWO- Duane.

The next PARA meeting will be July 10, 2023.

The meeting was adjourned at 20:45.

Net Control Operator assignments are:

June 18- KQ4FWO- Duane

June 25- KY4LDS- Frank

July 2- KO4ZRX- Ronnie

July 9- KD4GCY- Garry


Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

May 8, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  28 Members and Guests were in attendance.

Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger read the financial report to the membership.  Approval was requested to reimburse Jeff KB9BVL, $402.80 for the purchase of 20 Baofeng Portable radios.  A motion was made by Jeff KM4LDP and seconded by Brian KK4OKW to authorize the payment. The motion was voted on and carried. 

ARRL Field Day is June 24-25.  A discussion was started concerning liability having Field Day at a personal residence.   A motion was made by Don KC4DR and seconded by Danny to move back to Keiler Park.  The motion was voted on and carried.

Paul, ND4X, made a motion to allocate $450.00 for Field Day expenses. The motion was and seconded by Jeff KM4LDP and voted on and carried.

Paul, ND4X, made a short presentation about the KY QSO party scheduled for June 3, 0800-2000 local time.  Anyone interested in helping can go to http://kyqsoparty.org.

The Iron Mom Half Marathon will be held Saturday, May 13th.  Amateurs will be manning the greenway trail only.  We are to meet at7:30 am at the skate park in Nobel Park.  Talk in will be on the club repeater with 443.00 as a backup.

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

Club Scribe: We need a person to take over the duties of Club Scribe in the absence of KN4TIP- Michael.

Net Control Operator assignments were made, and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned at 2025

May 14 – KW4DI – Ken

May 21 – Neal – WD4OKO

May 28 – KY4LDS – Frank

June 4 – KN4TIP – Michael

June 11 –  KB9BVL – Jeff